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Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board

In most of our houses, the kitchen is at the heart of family life. It is also one of the more challenging rooms to make safe for your children. There are many hidden dangers in the average kitchen, but you can keep your children safe with careful planning and well-thought-out changes.

Here are some guidelines for creating a safe, practical environment in the kitchen:

• Store glasses and precious china in a lockable cabinet or up high and out of reach.

• Be aware of the dangers of household cleaning products. Try to select the least
toxic, and store them in a safe place, locked away from your child's attention.

• Keep knives and other sharp tools, such as electric mixer blades, in locked drawers. Of course, some babies are able to work out safety locks. If your baby does learn how to unhook a safety lock, you'll need to rethink how you store potentially hazardous items. You could lock up everything that is potentially dangerous, or relegate all dangerous items to out-of-reach storage areas. You could even keep your baby out of the kitchen with a safety gate, but if you decide to do this, make sure you can still see what she is getting up to while you are working in the kitchen area.

• Place glasses, knives as well as hot food and drinks, away from the edges of counters and tables. Do without place mats and tablecloths because a child can pull them -- and their contents -- down on herself.

• One idea is to set aside at least one cupboard that is safe (and away from the hob and oven) for your child to open and explore. You'll probably find that she no longer tries to discover the contents of the others, unless you leave the doors open. Store safe but interesting things there, such as light saucepans, wooden spoons, tinfoil plates, and empty yoghurt containers. Occasionally change the contents to give your child a surprise.

• Use the back rings on the cooker when possible. When you are using the front ones, turn saucepan handles toward the back. Appliance safety catches will keep ovens and microwaves inaccessible. Try to keep your bin and dishwasher closed, with safety catches if possible, when not in use.

• Install a fire extinguisher where the risk of fire danger is greatest, such as in the kitchen or near the fireplace. But only attempt to extinguish a fire if it is small and contained. If you do have a fire, it is essential to get your children out of the house and dial 999 from a neighbour's house.

• Never leave children unattended when they are in
high chairs. And always use the safety harness. If your chair doesn't have one, buy one and leave it clipped onto the chair so that you always use it.

• When carrying a hot drink in one hand, don't attempt to carry your baby with the other. Don't hand drinks to people over your baby, and don't drink hot drinks while
feeding your baby. Put hot drinks out of reach of babies and toddlers. Use a coiled flex on the kettle, and make sure it is placed at the back of the worktop.

• A playpen can be a useful way of keeping your baby safe for short periods of time, perhaps while you do essential but potentially dangerous jobs. If your baby is not ready to keep her distance when you ask her to do so, then you could put her in a playpen in a corner of the room so she can be part of the action and safe at the same time.
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