目前分類:├ 吃喝拉撒睡玩 (39)
- Jul 30 Fri 2010 06:54
Caring for your toddler
- Mar 10 Tue 2009 19:36
Solids by age: 12 to 18 months
資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁
Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board
- Jan 31 Sat 2009 18:43
Should I give my baby fruit and vegetable juice? How much?
Breastmilk or formula milk will meet your baby's needs for the first six months of her life.
And you do not need to offer fruit and vegetable juice after that, either, though you certainly can if you want to. If so, give it to your baby in a beaker or cup at mealtimes only -- not in a bottle or before bedtime. When you do give your baby fruit and vegetable juices, dilute them using at least one part to 10 parts of boiled cooled water. A maximum daily intake of 120ml / four ounces would be plenty.
- Jan 01 Thu 2009 07:52
Should I buy my baby a baby walker?
Putting a baby in a walker is like giving a teenager a Ferrari - a dangerous risk. That's why, as of April 2007, Canada has banned the sale of baby walkers.
UK data suggests, however, that more accidents and injuries happen in babywalkers than with any other form of baby equipment. This is because they give babies extra speed (a baby can reach up to one metre per second in one zoom), extra height and access to multiple hazards.
- Dec 23 Tue 2008 06:10
Toys for nine- to 12-month-olds
By the time babies are nine or 10 months old, they're usually able to make their way around the room in some fashion -- creeping, crawling, or cruising (walking with the furniture's assistance). By 12 months, many babies have risen to their feet and can stand and even walk.
Your baby has started using objects as tools, pushing a ball with a stick or chasing the carrots around his plate with a spoon. He's also more interested in interactive games. Tickle him and let him tickle you back. Talk on the phone and then pass it over to him so he can babble, then hand it back to you for another round.
- Dec 22 Mon 2008 19:31
Solids by age: nine to 12 months
Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board
Towards family meals
- Dec 10 Wed 2008 23:24
How much sleep does your child need?
As a new parent, that's probably one of your biggest questions. Below are some general guidelines as to how many hours of sleep the average child requires at various ages. Of course, every child is different - some need more or less sleep than others.
Age Nighttime Sleep Daytime Sleep Total Sleep
1 month | 8 1/2 | 7 (3 naps) | 15 1/2 |
3 months | 10 | 5 (3 naps) | 15 |
6 months | 11 | 3 1/4 (2 naps) | 14 1/4 |
9 months | 11 | 3 (2 naps) | 14 |
12 months | 11 1/4 | 2 1/2 (2 naps) | 13 3/4 |
18 months | 11 1/4 | 2 1/4 (1 nap) | 13 1/2 |
2 years | 11 | 2 (1 nap) | 13 |
3 years | 10 1/2 | 1 1/2 (1 nap) | 12 |
Keep in mind that most children need lots of sleep. Often, if a child has poor sleep habits or refuses to go to bed before 11 o'clock at night, his parents will think that he just doesn't need a lot of sleep. That's probably not true - in fact, it's likely that such a child is actually sleep-deprived. To see whether your child falls into that camp, ask yourself these questions:
- Nov 18 Tue 2008 06:06
Toys for six- to nine-month-olds
Your baby's play is becoming much more vigorous. When she picks up a spoon now she bangs it against her high chair, and she furiously rattles the bunch of keys she finds. She can now grab two toys at once and slam them together. But her movements are also becoming more precise; thanks to her growing dexterity, she can now pick a raisin off the floor.
She is becoming aware that objects still exist even when she can no longer see or feel them. This means she'll miss a favourite stuffed animal if she can't see it, and try to search for it. It also means you can begin playing hide-and-seek games with objects. Hide her teddy bear while she's looking, and she'll find it right away -- and be very proud she did.
- Nov 10 Mon 2008 23:02
裝可愛 <img src="http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/sallychen/27/thumbs/t1118261788.jpg" border="0">
這個臭小妞真的很愛模仿,我是不自覺出現這個動作的 ( 把拔事後告訴我的 ) 她居然就學起來了,一開始我們只要說 cutie 她就會一直歪頭,到最後她煩了就不願意了;然後她只要看到手機就會停格,不然就是一直光看手機,動作全不見了,所以最精彩的都來不及拍下
- Nov 10 Mon 2008 22:47
親子樂 <img src="http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/sallychen/27/thumbs/t1118261788.jpg" border="0">
我們在家的玩法實在是玩到笑的很累 不過她很愛玩,我也只得陪玩囉
- Nov 10 Mon 2008 19:54
還不會走路就想要飛<img src="http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/sallychen/27/thumbs/t1118261788.jpg" border="0">
- Nov 10 Mon 2008 19:30
妹妹在家的時候<img src="http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/sallychen/27/thumbs/t1118261788.jpg" border="0">
攝於 10th September 2008
- Nov 10 Mon 2008 08:51
第二次姐妹會<img src="http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/sallychen/27/thumbs/t1118261788.jpg" border="0">
- Nov 10 Mon 2008 08:04
我愛小黃兔<img src="http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/sallychen/27/thumbs/t1118261788.jpg" border="0">
- Nov 10 Mon 2008 06:33
半夜起床餵奶<img src="http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/sallychen/27/thumbs/t1118261788.jpg" border="0">
9th September 2008
妹妹大概在五個多月左右,就開始出現會揉眼睛想睡覺的樣子,非常可愛 中間還有把拔對女兒一往情深的表情喔
- Nov 10 Mon 2008 05:56
吃相 <img src="http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/sallychen/27/thumbs/t1118261788.jpg" border="0">
- Nov 10 Mon 2008 05:42
正式翻身 <img src="http://f7.wretch.yimg.com/sallychen/27/thumbs/t1118261788.jpg" border="0">
4th September 2008
- Oct 09 Thu 2008 02:34
Establishing good sleep habits: 6 to 9 months
Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board
Typical sleep at this age
- Sep 13 Sat 2008 17:49
Bibs, messmats and more
資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁
Here are a few bits and pieces that may make life easier when you start to feed your baby solids: