目前分類:├ 吃喝拉撒睡玩 (39)

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

When your baby is
sitting up confidently on his own, it means he's ready to join you at the dinner table in his own chair - a highchair. It's a great step forward for all of you because it means you can continue eating while feeding your baby, and he can join the family at the dinner table. We asked our testers Deborah and Rebecca to put six highchairs to the test, to find out which had the most useful features and which were best value for money. The scores were close for the highchairs tested, so we have two STAR BUYS for you on this feature - one wooden chair that you can continue to use as your child grows up, and one ordinary highchair. 

Highchair know-how 

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我們是在六月24日第一次參加寶寶聚會的, 後來也因為一堆事情沒將這篇放上來
好不容易打點好大小姐出門可以做做社交的,沒想到她跟周公孫子去約會,一覺睡到快結束才醒來番; 不過因為年齡層很多,大家也都是交換帶孩子心得等等的,幾個比較有聯絡的媽媽還一起帶寶寶去游泳喔

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Whether your child is sampling her very first taste of baby rice or tucking into spaghetti bolognese as only a toddler can, you'll need dinnerware and utensils designed for her specific needs. She'll need somewhere safe and comfortable (not to mention washable!) to sit while she's eating, too. 

Plates and bowls

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要特別補上這篇,因為 Monica 阿姨照了幾張漂亮的照片喔
到後來抓都抓不住,乾脆讓她躺在地上,隨她去了, " 人生 "能有幾回可以躺在地上讓狗玩呢 
真的非常驚訝這個四個半月的小傢伙, " 潛力 " 無限可能呀,以後可能會比為娘的更上一層樓啊,她爹有交待,凡是爹害怕的 ( 蜘蛛 ) 交由為娘的指導,訓誡 ( 不先告知她我們的恐懼怎麼行,萬一哪天拿來給我們 " 看 ",這不是謀殺爹娘嗎 ) 娘一定會昏倒的種類,例如所有軟體爬行動物,會由爹帶至博物館之類的,加強教育,訓誡 ( 她如果敢拿這個來要脅我,相信我,我一定會打她個半死,留半條命氣消了,再繼續打 )

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妹妹的聲音還算可愛,幸好當時用手機錄下來了,不然沒錄影機,真的會錯過不少 "好戲"

sallychen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(3) 人氣()

這是馬麻自己第一回開 " 長程 "車去找 Monica 阿姨,自己愛現走小路,中間轉錯紅綠燈,繞了好一大圈才找到阿姨家附近的超市,然後打電話給阿姨,請她出來帶路!!本以為這小妮子可能會有些害怕第一次接觸 " 大型 " 動物的,沒想到

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因為最近有點狀況 註, 她在四個月左右大就開始對我們吃的動作很有興趣,每次我們在吃東西時,她會睜大了眼睛一直看.... 我跟她爸就到超市研究了一番,買了四個月大寶寶用的米粉及麥粉,但沒詢問過專業人士,我們是沒那個種就給它試下去,小寶寶的腸胃是很敏感的呢

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Babies use sucking to calm and settle themselves. Thumb-sucking starts before birth (there are pictures taken of babies sucking their thumbs in utero) and can be a very helpful way for babies to cope with tension. There are many advantages to allowing children to suck their thumbs rather than a dummy: Thumbs are always there, don't fall on the floor, aren't tied to children's clothing by potentially dangerous strings that can get caught on things, and are under the baby's own control.

Children usually give up thumb-sucking when they develop other ways to calm down and comfort themselves, usually by ages 4-5, although many children suck their thumbs at night or occasionally, when stresses become too much, for many years beyond that.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Breastfeeding in the
first few days, weeks, and possibly months is 'fired' by prolactin, the milk-making hormone. It's this, together with the removal of milk by the baby, that stimulates your body to make milk. Most women find their breasts sometimes feel 'full' between feeds.

The prolactin levels gradually fall in the first six months after your baby's birth, and milk is made more directly in response to how often and how much your baby eats. In fact, studies have shown that prolactin levels are back to pre-pregnancy levels by the time your baby is six months old, yet it is perfectly possible to supply all the milk your baby needs, simply by feeding him. However, your breasts won't feel full, because the milk is being made more efficiently and more responsively, according to your baby's needs. You're not storing lots of 'extra' milk between feeds now that your body is relying on your baby's stimulus, rather than your hormones, to make milk.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

The Department of Health recommends exclusive breastfeeding until your baby is six months old. After six months, breast milk alone doesn't provide your baby with enough nutrients, in particular iron, so other foods are needed.

Waiting until six months to introduce solid foods into your baby's diet will help minimise the risk of her developing adverse reactions to foods and
allergies. This is particularly important if you have a family history of allergies, as the incidence of adverse food reactions, allergies and coeliac disease does decrease if you delay weaning until this time.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Getting your baby used to water early is important from a safety point of view and it's great fun too. "Your child won't be co-ordinated enough to learn to swim properly until he is two or three, but you can get him to feel confident and relaxed in the water and make swimming a fun way to exercise for both of you," says midwife and health visitor Julia Youll. 

When can I start swimming with my baby? 

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

As he enters this stage, your baby discovers how much fun his own hands can be now that they're no longer clenched in a fist. He can suck his fingers, and use them to grasp a toy that has been placed in his hands. He has begun to reach for toys. He soon learns to pass a toy back and forth between his hands and rotate his wrist to inspect it from all sides, usually before popping it into his mouth!

Make sure that all toys are safe for chewing -- check labels! And never attach a toy to a cot or playpen with elastic or string, which could end up strangling or entrapping your baby. By six months your baby can probably
sit up, giving him a new perspective on life and making him the centre of his own clanging, colourful, ever-changing world.

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如果妳像大多數的新手媽媽一樣,在外面餵寶寶真的會讓妳有點緊張。當寶寶在大庭廣眾下嚎啕大哭時,想要舒舒服服地餵母乳或安安靜靜地泡一瓶奶可真不是件容易的事。而當寶寶開始吃固體食物而妳又必須耍弄那些瓶瓶罐罐時 ,該怎麼辦呢?下面有一些妙招可以幫媽媽輕鬆度過這些外出的日子,以及一些可以讓寶寶的餵食變得更容易的實用器具。





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sallychen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

所有養育寶寶的書籍都會提到,建立一套睡前行為模式是讓寶寶快快進入夢鄉的最佳策略。「我通常會建議三到四個妳每個晚上必做的一套舒緩活動,」美國費城醫院睡眠障礙中心副主任茱蒂敏黛,同時也是 《Sleeping Through The Night》這本書的作者,他表示,在某種程度上,睡前行為模式的活動內容固然重要,但堅持下去其實也一樣重要。爸爸媽媽可以用沐浴、按摩或說故事,作為寶寶的睡前行為模式。或者在每次小睡前以及晚上寶寶睡覺前,也可以餵寶寶吃奶、搖他幾分鐘再把他放到嬰兒床或搖籃裡,然後唱搖籃曲給他聽。「即使寶寶不認得時間,他們還是有生理時鐘的。讓寶寶在固定時間睡覺,就可以設定寶寶的生理時鐘,讓他們快快輕鬆入睡,」敏黛補充說道,「如果妳等了很久,還是無法把寶寶放下來睡覺,寶寶也會覺得累,同時會很難安靜下來,當然也不容易睡著囉!」

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1. 寶寶餓了

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