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Read any good scare stories recently? From MMR to contaminated formula milk we are bombarded with information about what we should and shouldn't be doing as parents. Sometimes this information is good, based on credible studies and sound evidence. However, sometimes the information presented as fact is not actually proven. A study into five women giving birth in a mountain village in Nepal might make interesting reading but we couldn't draw any real conclusions from it. The problem is, it's not always clear whether the study that headline is screaming about is based on good evidence.

So how can you tell which scare stories are worth worrying about? It helps to put yourself in an editor's shoes. His or her job is to sell newspapers. Which newspaper are you more likely to buy? One with a headline shouting: "BABY FOOD CANCER LINK!". Or one that says: "A student in a laboratory somewhere had a theory about pumpkin puree causing cancer, but on reflection it's all fine and you can carry on as you are." Editors sometimes publish theory as fact because theories can be more dramatic, and therefore sell more newspapers, than the findings of hard-grafted research.

Don't be complacent, but before you panic it can pay to take a step back and find out more about the issue before taking action. Ask yourself the following questions:

Is the advice backed up by a trustworthy organisation? The
Department of Health and the Food Standards Agency, for example, issue new guidance from time to time. Visit the relevant website or look for links from news websites such as BBC news. When official guidance changes, BabyCentre articles are updated as soon as possible. The date at the bottom of an article shows when it was last reviewed.

Is the report based on a true account of the facts? Sometimes, the media pick on one aspect of a much larger topic. The editors may publish an unbalanced view of an issue which hasn't really been proven yet. Putting a "spin" on a topic to sell papers is not new. Put on your cynic's hat and see if it's just a lot of fluff and waffle without any substance.

What is the source of the story? The question you're asking here is whether there is a "conflict of interest". From time to time, companies issue press releases that support the use of their products. These accounts may not give a truly balanced picture of a health issue. Also, an expert may have an investment in the findings of a research study. If the findings go more one way than the other it could help sell a drug or product he or she has just patented. These conflicts of interest should be stated but some experts are just not open about their business ventures. It doesn't mean the findings of such a study are wrong, but you should certainly think carefully before believing it wholeheartedly.

Is the story based on conclusive evidence? Experts around the world often report their research findings in specialist journals and at conferences. Sometimes the media may report the findings of a small research study, which may suggest there is a problem. In many cases more evidence, from much larger studies, is needed before an issue becomes accepted as fact. Check how sure the reporters and experts are that it is a real issue and keep a look out for more conclusive findings.

Is it really new? Some scare stories come back in cycles and the same issues are paraded out again and again. For example, the media may report an inquiry into an issue. There isn't any new evidence yet, but the same panic-inducing headlines are released without adding anything new. Read the article carefully to see if any new findings have been reported that are more certain.

If you have asked yourself all these questions and you are still not sure what to do, don't be afraid to ask for advice. Perhaps a visit to your midwife, GP or health visitor may help, particularly if they can explain the issues clearly.

Created July 2006


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