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Travelling by plane with a baby or small child is potentially an anxious and challenging time for parents, so it is best to be well rested yourself before making the trip.
A baby may in fact find the flight soothing and could surprise you by sleeping dutifully throughout the journey. Breast or bottle-feeding during take-off and landing will help alleviate any ear popping, as the sucking and swallowing action relieves pressure that builds up in the ears during this time. Straws in cartons of drinks would work the same way with toddlers.
Once in the air, walking up and down the aisle with an unsettled baby is probably less of a problem to other passengers than if he is inconsolable for hours. Looking out of the window may distract and calm him. The hum of the engine helps to mask any loud crying.
The strain of keeping an older child happy can be immense, particularly when toddlers wish to run about unrestrained.
Keep a bag available, with lots of new little treats and toys to divert him and prevent him from getting bored. These could be hand puppets, touch and feel activity books or wind-up characters. A child who can manage a crayon would enjoy scribbling for a few moments. Interesting snacks, brought out at regular intervals, may placate and occupy him.
Try to ignore any rude comments from fellow passengers. More often you will be sympathised with when you are seen trying to soothe your baby. There may even be a kindly person nearby, who is prepared to help out by amusing your child for a couple of minutes. Sometimes a different, and less harassed face, will completely change the mood.
Travelling by plane with a baby or small child is potentially an anxious and challenging time for parents, so it is best to be well rested yourself before making the trip.
A baby may in fact find the flight soothing and could surprise you by sleeping dutifully throughout the journey. Breast or bottle-feeding during take-off and landing will help alleviate any ear popping, as the sucking and swallowing action relieves pressure that builds up in the ears during this time. Straws in cartons of drinks would work the same way with toddlers.
Once in the air, walking up and down the aisle with an unsettled baby is probably less of a problem to other passengers than if he is inconsolable for hours. Looking out of the window may distract and calm him. The hum of the engine helps to mask any loud crying.
The strain of keeping an older child happy can be immense, particularly when toddlers wish to run about unrestrained.
Keep a bag available, with lots of new little treats and toys to divert him and prevent him from getting bored. These could be hand puppets, touch and feel activity books or wind-up characters. A child who can manage a crayon would enjoy scribbling for a few moments. Interesting snacks, brought out at regular intervals, may placate and occupy him.
Try to ignore any rude comments from fellow passengers. More often you will be sympathised with when you are seen trying to soothe your baby. There may even be a kindly person nearby, who is prepared to help out by amusing your child for a couple of minutes. Sometimes a different, and less harassed face, will completely change the mood.