Lunchtime raid on jewellers 

Published Date:
21 April 2009 
A BANBURY town centre jewellers has been raided this lunchtime (Tuesday).
Michael Jones Jewellers in High Street was targeted at about noon today.

Five raiders - four men and a woman - armed with baseball bats forced their way into the shop before seizing a large amount of jewellery from the window displays and then fleeing on foot down nearby alleys.

Some bystanders are believed to have tried to stop them as they made away with the jewellery including valuable watches.

The robbers got away in a green Volkswagen Golf, almost hitting a woman with a pram. The car has since been found in Canada Close, by B&Q.

Inspector Helen Roberts of Banbury police said: "It is likely that no-one was injured but we are taking this incident very seriously and will not tolerate this sort of crime.

"I encourage anyone who might have seen these people to get in touch with us on 08458 505505."

Police said the four male robbers were black and the woman was white, all wore hooded tops and scarves over their faces. One had a gold eyebrow piercing.

News report from
Banbury Guardian

3:10pm Tuesday 21st April 2009

Police are appealing for witnesses to an armed robbery that happened today in Banbury.

At about 11.57am, four offenders entered Michael Jones jewellers, in High Street, and used an unknown implement to smash the glass display cabinets.

They stole jewellery including valuable watches before leaving in a green Volkswagen Golf.

The car has since been found in Canada Close, which is behind B&Q.

Det Insp Steve Duffy said: “I would like to reassure residents that we have a team of detectives working to identify the offenders.

“We know that the robbers left the shop and got into the car which was parked in Market Place before driving to Canada Close and abandoning it.

“It is possible that they then got into another car and I am keen to speak to anyone who might have seen where they went and what happened next. Canada Close is overlooked by offices and there must be someone who has information to help with our investigation.

“The car has been found abandoned in Merton Street and I urge anyone who may have seen these people in the area this morning, before or after the robbery occurred, or when they left the car, to get in touch.

“A woman was in the shop at the time of the robbery. She is aged in her mid twenties to early thirties with blonde shoulder length hair and was wearing white jeans, sunglasses, a white knitted top and a lime green blouse.

“I believe that this woman could help with our inquiries and would ask her, or anyone who saw this woman to come forward.”

Anyone with any information about the incident is asked to contact Det Insp Duffy at Banbury police station via 0845 8 505 505, or if you don’t want to talk to the police or give your name, call the Crimestoppers charity on 0800 555 111.

  • In 2007, five people were sentenced to a total of 45 years in prison for attacking Michael Jones jewellers in March 2007 and stealing watches worth almost £13,000.

News report from Banbury Cake

以上是今晚( 21日 ) 的報導

話說今天中午左右剛從銀行出來,我推著推車,揹著妹妹( 不孝女不坐她的豪華推車,要娘揹!! ) 走在一位很奇怪的人身後,天氣很暖和,大家幾乎都是短袖,他穿著長袖帽衫( hooded ) 戴手套,手裡拿者小型的手提旅行袋,褲子在屁股附近還破了一個洞,我就一直在想,這個人有問題啊,這樣穿挺奇怪的!!才這樣繼續想著,一直盯著那個破洞看,還想拍他的肩膀告訴他咧
過了建築物間的小巷子,他直接右轉走到首飾店跟其他人會合衝進店家,然後就看見 " 光天化日之下的搶劫事件 " 我正走到對街,就兩眼看著事情在眼前發生
一位穿著光鮮亮麗的小姐正好走出店門,被他們其中一位推了一把,嚇的她尖叫,不知所措 ( 第二則新聞有提到她 ); 我聽到一陣聲響( 非常像是槍聲 ),抱緊了妹妹走到正對門的隔壁停下來,然後就看到二位在搜括一堆名錶,有二位女士已經在打電話報警,然後他們大概是5,6人左右,拿了東西就跑出來,隔壁三明治店的一位勇猛的客人站出來要阻止他們,差一點抓到其中一個
通了電話後,我居然結巴的說有人在搶劫,有人在搶劫...對方問我,你需要救護車嗎,還是消防車...( 他大概也不知我在講什麼吧 )...然後就斷訊,氣得我在一旁罵,什麼時候不斷訊,這時候斷什麼啊
我: ..... 我還在發抖...我還在抖..... ( 真的抖的聲音很誇張 )
把: 什麼 ??? ( 被我的態度搞的莫名奇妙 )
我: 我剛才看到搶劫,其中一個搶匪二分鐘前還走在我們前面 ( 稍微鎮靜一點了 )
把: 哪裡來的搶劫 ( 開始緊張起來,怕他寶貝女兒出了什麼事,我不重要,因為我還可以打電話跟他報告,代表我沒事!! )
.....................反正就解釋了一下狀況,大約五分鐘,在跟把拔講電話時,二部警車就急速趕到現場了( 大約二分鐘 ) 然後這二部警車就追搶匪去了,二名騎腳踏車的警察也到現場了,接著又來了二部警車,警察就開始跟目擊人做筆錄等等的
等平靜一些後,就去銀行辦事,聽到有一位女士在告訴銀行行員,有搶劫事件什麼的,他們也一派自然的樣子.... 實在覺得小胖豬太重了,反正她都睡了,打算放她到推車裡好好睡,沒想到手勢不對,吵醒她,鬼叫的好像又發生一次搶案,拿個玩具搞定她,沒一分鐘又睡著了
在圖書館還了書, 又借了幾本,想到又得走原路回去,實在.... 整條人行道都圍起來了,好幾名便衣也出現了,攝影機也出現了,有三位很大隻的女士就正大光明坐在現場門口旁的休息椅上,是怎樣,以為這樣可以上比較多鏡頭嗎;邊走就有聽到有些人在說風涼話,也有正義人士跳出來講大聲話,叫這些人別幸災樂禍
我們母女就到咖啡館坐下來,吃頓安神的午餐,小胖豬早就餓了,點了一個葡萄乾可頌卷 ( Pain au Raisin ) 給她,本來想她吃可頌麵包就好,但這最近她食量又變好了,可頌一定打發不了她,才給她加菜的,這大小姐有睡到,心情很好,整頓飯吃下來很開心,一整個吃光光,還有空可以跟一些帥哥客人拋媚眼,賣弄風騷的,當小小孩真好,只管吃喝玩樂拉撒睡就可以,一個小時前,為娘還怕我們被 " 流彈 " 打中差點尿褲子咧 ( 事後看報導是棒球棍 ) 把拔交待的,要我們母女坐下來,好好吃頓午餐,定定神再開車回家接他

這家店已經不是第一次被搶了 ( 第二則新聞最下方有註明 ) 怎麼安全狀況還是沒改善到哪去啊;還有他們挑中午搶劫,不是太聰明,就是太笨了,用餐時間,這條路上的人可不少吔,不過也巧,平常都有警察走來走去的,怎麼正好警察不在附近啊,莫非他們算好警察巡視的時間??

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