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Research suggests that children under two years of age are rarely travel sick, but if your baby is always unhappy when travelling, then travel sickness may be the cause.

Travel sickness is caused by the brain receiving conflicting signals. The eyes send messages and the delicate balance mechanisms of the inner ear report something different. For instance, if you are looking at a book in the car, your eyes see the motionless book but your balance mechanisms are saying that you are moving.

Travel sickness can begin with a feeling of discomfort in the stomach, followed by an increase in saliva causing your baby to dribble, feel hot, look pale and finally vomit. Researchers looking at seasickness have identified another set of symptoms of travel sickness; this can involve drowsiness, headache, depression and generalised discomfort.

It is not always the motion that triggers the symptoms; other triggers can be smells, frequent head movements, bendy roads or focusing on nearby objects. Understanding the causes and triggers for travel sickness and planning your journey carefully are the keys to happy travellers. Here are some tips that might help:

Time your journey carefully, as travel sickness is less likely during sleep as the eyes are not receiving stimuli. Once the journey has started and your baby begins to feel ill, she is less likely to go to sleep. If at all possible, you could try putting your baby to bed before you start your journey and transfer your sleepy baby into her
car seat without (hopefully) waking her up. You could try coinciding your journey with nap or sleep time. Some babies do also sleep the minute they hit the road.

Try not to give your baby a full feed just before travelling. This may mean that you need to make frequent stops with a young baby, but is worth it in the end. If your baby vomits, give small drinks of plain water.

Keep the car cool and well-ventilated, and don't
overdress your baby in her car seat. Mini-fans can be useful.

Do not try to distract an older baby with toys or books, as these make travel sickness symptoms worse.

Put a sun-shade on the window at the side of your baby to help her look forward and to protect her from the heat of the sun.

Avoid any strong smells in the car, don't smoke or wear strong perfumes. Some air-fresheners for cars are very overpowering.

Make sure that your baby's head is well-supported in her car seat to prevent her from moving her head from side to side.

Babies and toddlers of all ages respond to music; if it is something they are familiar with it is more likely to distract them from feeling ill.

Take a towel to put over your baby if she is threatening to vomit. It is much easier to remove than her entire clothing. Have a spare set of clothing accessible in the car just in case, and have plastic bags ready for soggy towels and clothes, and baby wipes to freshen up.

Babies cannot be given medication, but two year olds and over can be prescribed anti-sickness medications containing hyoscine before they travel. Other remedies have been tried, e.g. ginger preparations, and acupressure bands, but these have not been tested in controlled research studies, so their usefulness is unknown.

Resist the temptation to stop travelling, as research among adults in America has shown that the symptoms do reduce after frequent exposure to travelling. The majority of children do grow out of the travel sickness and as they get older it becomes easier because they can tell you when they begin to feel uncomfortable. So until then stay calm, be well prepared for each journey and remember that family travel gives children a whole wealth of experiences and opportunities which they often remember for the rest of their lives.

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