圖片來自 A Slice of Cherry Pie 註
住在這裡這段時間裡,每種都吃過,但合在一起吃.... 還沒嘗試過!! 照片裡沒出現的是,還有二片烤吐司; 如果改成美而美的總匯吐司加奶茶,我可能會更樂意試試看
這則新聞也被我們拿當成茶餘飯後的話題, 公公說 " Have breakfast like a King, Have lunch like a Prince, have dinner like a pauper ( means poor person way back in English history ) 這個字是先生解釋給我聽的
以前在台灣時,就有這麼一句話,早餐吃的飽,午餐吃的好,晚餐吃的少,而且晚間八點以後不進食,( 非得進食的話,也吃少量一些,以免腸胃負擔太大 ) 會是保持身體健康的要素之一
註: 這個部落格有不少英式料理等資料,我還沒認真看過大廚師以外的部落格,好好研究一番!!
出這篇是要提醒自己,該開始減肥了,妹妹已經滿三個月,生活也開始正常多了,該找 " 事 " 做了,還有三公斤在身上,加上懷孕前的肥肉..... 另外,被一位現在非常健美的好友強烈刺激,發現不減肥不行了,人家還想當個 Yummy mummy..... 小珍...人家真的很羡慕啊,跳肚皮舞在四個月左右瘦了近九公斤對吧,還搭配健康飲食習慣喔
因為還在餵母奶,飲食也是很健康,少的就是運動的部份,做家事那是一般勞動,不能算運動!! 我很想做的是健身房裡的瑜珈課,水中有氧,體能恢復的話,再試進一階的課程,能維持多久咧,再來看吧!!
Breakfast really could be the most important meal of the day when it comes to losing weight, claims a researcher. Over several months, obese women who ate half their daily calories first thing fared better than those eating a much smaller amount. US researcher Dr Daniela Jakubowicz told a San Francisco conference having a small breakfast could actually boost food cravings. A UK expert said a big breakfast diet might simply be less boring. Dr Jakubowicz, from Virginia Commonwealth University, has been recommending a hearty breakfast to her patients for 15 years. She tested it against a low carbohydrate diet in a study of 96 obese and physically inactive women. This diet involved 1,085 calories a day - the majority of these coming from protein and fat. Breakfast here was the smallest meal of the day - just 290 calories, with just seven grams of carbohydrates. Her "big breakfast" diet involved more calories - 1,240 - with a lower proportion of fat and more carbohydrates and protein. Breakfast here was 610 calories, with 58 grams of carbohydrates, while lunch and dinner were 395 and 235 calories respectively. Four months on, the low-carb dieters appeared to be doing better, losing an average of 28 pounds to the 23 shed on the "big breakfast" diet. However, after eight months, the situation had reversed, with the low-carb dieters putting an average of 18 of those pounds back on, while the big breakfasters continued to lose weight, on average 16.5 pounds each. They lost a fifth of their total body weight on average, compared with less than 5% for the low-carb dieters. Slower metabolism Dr Jakubowicz reported that the big breakfasters said they felt less hungry, particularly in the mornings. She said: "Most weight loss studies have determined that a very low carbohydrate diet is not a good method to reduce weight. "It exacerbates the craving for carbohydrates and slows metabolism - as a result, after a short period of weight loss, there is a quick return to obesity." She said that the bigger breakfast helped by making people feel fuller during the day, and was healthier, because it allowed more fibre and fruit to be included. Dr Alex Johnstone, from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, said that other studies had shown that while low-carb diets were a "good tool" to reduce weight quickly, they were not a "diet for life". She said that the regaining of lost weight by these dieters could be more a sign of the relative monotony of the two diets, rather than their ability to necessarily reduce cravings. "It could be that it is simply easier for people on a higher-carbohydrate diet to comply with it over a longer period." A spokesman for the British Nutrition Foundation said there was evidence that a good-sized breakfast could help dieters. She said: "Research shows that eating breakfast can actually help people control their weight. "This is probably because when we don't have breakfast we're more likely to get hungry before lunch and snack on foods that are high in fat and sugar, such as biscuits, doughnuts or pastries." 資料來源 BBC NEWS 資料來源 中時電子報Big breakfast 'aids weight loss'
減肥方法五花八門,少吃多動是不二法門,但無論怎麼少吃,早餐可不應該省略。美國研究人員賈庫波維茲(Daniela Jakubowicz)說,其實好好吃頓豐盛早餐,反而有助於減肥。
維吉尼亞州邦聯大學教授賈庫波維茲說,受訪者一連數月在早上飽餐一頓,吃掉一天一半的熱量,減肥效果反而優於早餐吃得少。她說,如果早上吃得少,反而會刺激食慾。 她設計的「豐盛早餐」熱量約610卡,遠高於中餐的395卡與晚餐的235卡,三餐刻意降低脂肪攝取,但提高醣類(58毫克)與蛋白質比例。 至於對照組一天熱量約1085卡,營養以蛋白質和脂肪為主。早餐熱量只有290卡,是一天當中份量最少的一餐。
4個月之後發現,低醣量少早餐組的減肥效果優於高醣量大早餐組,前者少了28磅(約14.2公斤),後者甩了23磅(約11.7公斤)。不過8個月之後,低醣量少早餐組出現復胖,體重增加了18磅(9.1公斤)。而量大早餐組則持續瘦身,每個人平均甩肉16.5磅(8.4公斤)。 整體而言,早餐吃得飽,平均可減重20%;早餐吃得少,平均體重只掉了5%。