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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board 

What should I know about accidental poisoning?

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board

Toys are childhood treasures, especially when they have been chosen with care. You might like to keep these guidelines in mind when choosing playthings for your child, and you can share them with anyone who may be buying gifts for your child.

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如果以中文來說,我想以 " 八個月健康檢查 " 會比較合適
通知單在十月中旬左右就收到了,我把通知單跟寶寶手冊放一起,也在把拔的工作日誌上做了記錄就這樣到了預約時間的前幾天,我才想起,預約的時間是十一月十二日週三上午十點半到府訪查,妹妹的活動課是十點十分才結束,那我這為娘的不就趕跑跳碰了,也來不及改時間了,哎..... 記性真的很不靈光 
小妮子不知發什麼神經,半夜一點左右醒來,把拔安撫不了,我只好祭出餵奶招,她就安靜的睡了,這下馬麻我也跟著睡了,一直到六點左右才醒來,為何會醒來,也是被小妮子抓的,她莫名奇妙就醒來想玩吧,猛抓我的臉,後來抓到她的小臉跟我的臉靠很近,我不得已只好醒來,一張眼,就看到一雙大眼睛看著我,表情說的是 " 來玩吧 "

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Will my baby have to take antibiotics for an ear infection? 
About half of all ear infections resolve themselves without antibiotics. However, your doctor is more likely to prescribe antibiotics if your baby is under six months old, or if your baby is older but your doctor is sure that it is an ear infection. Your GP will recommend which course of treatment to take - watchful waiting or prescription medicines.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

How can I tell if my baby has an ear infection? 

It can be difficult to tell, but if your child has a cold and then gets a
fever about three to five days later, it may be caused by an ear infection. She may also tug at her ear or be out-of-sorts. Sucking and swallowing can also hurt, so if your baby starts to feed and then pulls away from your breast or a bottle, seemingly in pain, see your paediatrician.

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  • Oct 26 Sun 2008 11:55
  • Fever

資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

My baby has a high temperature. Should I worry?

It's hard not to worry when your baby is crying and her temperature is soaring but fever seldom does harm. A fever is simply the elevation of the body's temperature above normal. Normal body temperatures in a well child can range from 97.7 degrees F / 36.5 degrees C to 100 degrees F / 37.8 degrees C. Babies have higher temperatures than older children, and everyone's temperature tends to go up during the day and down after midnight. In general, a baby isn't considered feverish unless her temperature is over 100 degrees F / 37.7 degrees C in the morning or over 101 degrees F / 38.2 degrees C in the evening. 

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

One of the saddest things for a new parent is watching their baby suffer through his first cold. Your baby will be uncomfortable, snuffling, and probably will have trouble feeding.

It's hard to watch, but there's a lot you can do to alleviate the discomfort. And you can be assured that it's called the common cold for a reason, and it's usually not serious. Experts estimate that your baby will get between eight and 10 colds in his first two years alone. That's a lot of tissues and long nights.

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接到通知要到 Oxford 醫院回診, 把拔說要早點出門, 可以避開塞車, 順便帶我們到咖啡吧吃早餐喔 ( 19 June )

一大早大小姐吃飽後,大人們就等吃飽要出門;大小姐因為知道要出門,也很耐心的等大人吃飽早餐心情很好的坐進汽座裡喔;( 上車時,我看了時間是 08:46 ,比我預定要出發的時間,才晚了15分鐘,有進步!!   註一)接近交流道時,我們還在討論會不會碰上塞車咧,然後把拔決定要開省道,避免塞在路上,當時... 我們都還沒想到更大的塞車狀況 Game Fair 註二
半路上,我們發現有塞車的狀況,我們還在想應該是有意外事故吧 ( 還是白痴的沒想到 Game Fair ) 在我們之後的車子,有幾輛車都轉到另一條小路去了,把拔想了五分鐘後,看了對向車道的車子是轉向的車,並不是開往這個方向的,所以我們也轉到小路去了,我會很放心不用開車就是因為把拔對路很熟,不然,要是我開車,我沒湯湯是上不了的,沒多久,我們就看到車龍往 Game Fair 的方向,這下才晃然大悟,上週把拔才提起這件事咧,怎麼我們二個都忘了,還好把拔還知道不少小路,我們不至於會遲到

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Overall, the risks faced by women over 35 during pregnancy have been exaggerated. Most pregnancies for women in this age group are uneventful and have a good outcome. Many recent well-designed studies have shown that in healthy women, the absolute risks of delaying pregnancy are low, even though being over 35 is associated with an increased risk of certain pregnancy complications. This is partly because it’s not just your age that matters; your health before you conceive matters too. That's good news, because it's something you can control.

There is good evidence that older women are more likely to have or develop certain medical conditions during pregnancy, such as
diabetes, high blood pressure, and placenta praevia. These conditions may have serious consequences for your pregnancy and require closer monitoring.

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3rd DIP, TET, WHOOP COUGH, POLIO, Hib, 2nd MEN C & 2nd Pne
體重 5260g
二週前體重 4880g, +380g, 還是要繼續加油突破迷你寶寶!!

有關預防針的參考資料,請見  兒童必要的預防接種

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三合一疫苗 MMR 含麻疹、德國麻疹、腮腺炎混合疫苗
五合一疫苗是指白喉-破傷風-非細胞性百日咳-去活性小兒麻痺-b型流感嗜血桿菌混合疫苗 ( DTP是指 白喉-破傷風-百日咳 )
六合一疫苗是以上加上 B型肝炎


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資料來源  也可以參考 NHS 有更詳細的說明

2 months old Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)

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可以參考 這裡 ←按我

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  • Jun 18 Wed 2008 06:16
  • 1:45

這是我在醫院等候, 見不著女兒的時間.....

週三 ( 六月十一日 ) 打完預防針後, 出現該有的哭泣狀況,我們也想辦法安撫她,都只是小哭而已,還好!!從 L 城回來, 一進家門就狂哭, 哭聲之淒厲, 可以想像那針真的是很不舒服啊,繼續罵討厭的護士唄 
週四 ( 六月十二日 ) 還是突然會有狂哭的狀況, 媽媽想辦法安撫!!正常生活作息
週五 ( 六月十三日 ) 從 C 城回來的路上, 不肯坐在車內, 又開始狂哭,馬麻想儘辦法安撫, 無效!!一趟路哭的臉都快變形了,還是一切正常的作息!!

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原文來自 幫寶適  ←按我

By 蘇珊安.狄克遜醫師 與 瑞奇.李查遜醫師


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原文來自 幫寶適  ←按我

By 蘇珊安.狄克遜醫師 與 瑞奇.李查遜醫師


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體重 4760g
二週前4320g, +440g - 差一點點就要突破迷你寶寶的最高界限了,繼續加油


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體重 3910g 
二週前是3460g, +450g - 增加體重的速度還真的很神速吔    果然是把拔說的小胖豬一隻!!

俗辣馬麻不敢帶妹妹進注射室,都要把拔進注射室; 不過給了把拔很不好的經驗,他說有三個人在裡面,一個注射,一個做記錄,一個不知在幹嘛,他很不爽的說浪費資源,而且他們好像很質疑把拔的身份,好像認為奶爸進注射室很不合 " 理 " 講白一點,奶爸懂個屁啊

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原文來自  彰化醫院小兒科

生理性黃疸 整理: 陳盈如 護理師

新生兒90﹪有生理性黃疸(Physiologic Jaundice),出生後二、三天皮膚開始變黃,第四、五天最為明顯,然後會慢慢減退,到1~2星期後消失。足月兒膽紅素不得超過12mg/dl,早產兒不得超過15mg/dl。造成新生兒生理性黃疸的原因:
(1)新生兒紅血球數目較多且壽命較成人短(新生兒紅血球壽命只 有90天)。

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  • Apr 14 Mon 2008 14:50
  • BCG

出院後第一次再度回到中心,感覺像回家一樣    住了七天 ( 實際住院六天,加上第一天從早到晚的等候 ) 好像是住了七年一樣久, 坐在休息室跟先生聊起來,好像所有的回憶都重來一次了
跟助產士第一次會面, 先生陪我做產檢, 第一次看到 Amy 的身型, 第一次聽到 Amy 的心跳... 一直到臭著臉最做後一次的檢查, 很哀怨的到中心準備被引產,還依依不捨的盯著水中生產室... 
心裡是欣喜的,我居然可以撐過這一切,我果然還是打不死的百戰蟑螂... 哇哈哈哈 

還是那位印度籍的醫生來叫我們,我們到注射室時,其實腦中一片空白,根本沒聽清楚醫生在講什麼,還要先生在旁邊提醒,然後我就急忙的想要出這間刑房,我是不可能待在這間房間的,快步走回休息區 ( 肚皮上的那個微笑還在痛 ) 有聽到女兒哀一聲很大聲,然後就沒了.... 心裡更緊張,她不知可不可以承受

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