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If you get the chance to look at your maternity records you’ll see it contains a list of strange abbreviations. They tell your OB-GYN or nurse -midwife at a glance how you and your baby are doing, and knowing what they mean yourself can help you better understand how your pregnancy is progressing.

Here’s gurgle’s guide to what some of them mean…

AGA Appropriate gestational age

Alb Albumin in urine.

Amnio amniocentesis

AP Antepartum

Br Breech

CBC Complete blood count

Ceph Cephalic (your baby is lying head down).

Cerv Cervix, cervical

CMV Cytomegalovirus

Cnst Constipation

CS Caesarean section

Ed Edema

EDD/EDC Estimated due date/estimated date of confinement

EGA Estimated gestational age

Eng/E Engaged (the baby's head has dropped into the pelvis

Fe def Iron deficiency

Fh Fundal height

FH Fetal heart

FHH/NH Fetal heart heard / not heard

FHR Fetal heart rate

FMF Fetal movements felt

GTT Glucose tolerance test

HBP High blood pressure

IUGR Intrauterine growth retardation

IUP Intrauterine pregnancy

IUTP Intrauterine term pregnancy

LBP Lower back pain

LGA Large for gestational age

LMP Last menstrual period

MSU Midstream urine sample

N&V Nausea and vomiting

OB, OBG obstetrics

Para Prior births (para0 = no prior births, para1 = 1 prior birth, etc)

PET Preeclamptic toxemia

Sono Sonogram (ultrasound)

US, u/s Ultrasound

UTI Urinary tract infection

VE Vaginal examination

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