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首先是年初開始,小妮子開始長牙,口水流不停就算了,還加上不停的咳嗽,身體不舒服全反應在日常生活裡,在家裡跟我悶,帶她出門走走看看,回家後她就心情好一些 ( 很像早期的青春期反抗 ) 三餐吃的很不定量,東西也要有不同選擇,牙齦不舒服,咬硬的會邊吃邊哭,每天的二個小睡時段也都不同了,有時肯睡,有時不肯睡...反正就這些看起來一般日常生活的狀況,變的很有挑戰性

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

When is the best time to have another?

Researchers have tried to tackle this question, and while they can't say definitively that every woman should wait two to three years between births, many of the studies do settle roughly on that time frame.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Caroline Deacon answers:

Yes. Your body will carry on producing milk throughout your pregnancy. It's even possible to continue feeding your son after your new baby is born - this is called tandem feeding.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board

Whilst breastfeeding beyond the first year (also known as extended breastfeeding) is common in many countries, most Western societies, with their emphasis on independence and self-sufficiency, take a dim view of the practice. Indeed, the hardest part of long-term breastfeeding is putting up with unsolicited comments and disapproving stares from friends, family, and strangers. But don't let others pressure you to stop; there are significant emotional and physical benefits to long-term breastfeeding that can't be ignored. We recommend that you weigh up the pros and cons of extended breastfeeding and then do what feels right for you and your child.

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資料來源 gurgle.com, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Before your bump arrives you’ll probably be manically inspecting your tummy every morning to work out whether there's any sign of it yet. 

Don’t worry, you’ll see it soon enough! When your bump starts to show depends entirely on you and your body shape. If you are tall you may not see a bump appearing until near the five-month mark, and if you are small you may see a bump after a month. There are no rules to pregnancy so you’ll really have to wait and see. By six months most pregnant women will be throwing down their skinny jeans in horror and discomfort and shopping for some looser, possibly maternity, jeans.

It’s not just your belly that changes during pregnancy, it’s your legs, breasts, feet, arms, bum and hips too! Thankfully for most women they go back to something near their old shape over the first year of their baby's life – although the greater majority of women do report that their figures have changed from pre-pregnancy (sometimes for the better).

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資料來源 gurgle.com, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

If you get the chance to look at your maternity records you’ll see it contains a list of strange abbreviations. They tell your OB-GYN or nurse -midwife at a glance how you and your baby are doing, and knowing what they mean yourself can help you better understand how your pregnancy is progressing.

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資料來源 gurgle.com, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Haemorrhoids, leaking nipples and chronic wind; just three of the less than dignified side-effects of pregnancy. For many women pregnancy is a time when their body starts behaving in all sorts of bizarre and bewildering ways. But don’t fret - most symptoms are completely harmless. Read on for answers to some of the most blush-inducing pregnancy questions.

Remember - if you do have a serious health concern, always go straight to your doctor.

I’m windier than a bean eating convention

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資料來源 gurgle.com, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

You’ll be having all sorts of pregnancy tests and checks carried out to monitor your health and wellbeing and your baby’s progress, but one thing you might not have thought of scheduling is a visit to the eye doctor.

Many moms to be think they shouldn’t schedule eye exams when they’re pregnant because they fear that it might be unsafe to have pupil-dilating drops put into their eyes. But it’s perfectly safe to have a through eye exam during your pregnancy – in fact, it’s important to do so. This is because pregnancy doesn’t just cause changes to your body – it also can cause changes in vision. And since changes in vision can often signal underlying problems, it’s a good precaution to have your eyes checked out by an ophthalmologist.

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資料來源 gurgle.com, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

In fact, most experts now think that the guideline advising pregnant women to put on at least 15 pounds during pregnancy is out of date because it doesn’t account for the current obesity epidemic. The data it’s based on dates from the 1970s and 80s, when obesity rates weren’t so high and low birthweight was a big problem. Nowadays, the reality is that many women are already overweight when they become pregnant so pregnancy weight gain isn’t as cut and dried as it may once have been. 

How piling on the pounds can harm you and your baby

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資料來源 gurgle.com, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

In our multi-cultural society lots of babies are raised in homes where more than one language is spoken.

The great news is that babies don’t get confused when they hear two languages – although they may switch between languages mid-sentence when first learning to talk, studies show they can separate the two languages by age two.

The earlier your baby hears the two languages, the easier it will be for him to grasp them. By 10 to 12 years of age a child’s ability to grasp a second language starts to slow down, and adults find it much harder to learn new languages.

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資料來源 gurgle.com, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Although having a baby is undoubtedly the most rewarding experience you will ever have, it is also a life-changing one.

Suddenly this precious little being will become the focus of your life, leaving all other things by the wayside. Of course it's all worth it; when you gaze into your baby's eyes, or feel her grasp your finger for the first time, you won't mind sacrificing a few nights out with the girls.

However, you may as well make the most of your independence before your little one makes her arrival. Here's gurgle's guide to the ten things you should do before having a baby:

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她自己會把卡在頭上的衣服拉掉,我們每天很愛玩這個表情,星際大戰裡的一佪角色 Ja Ja Binx

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今天由 Baby Centre 的每日新聞看到以下這條,讓在英國的準媽媽姐妹們可以有點零用錢花呀

Information for mums-to-be

From April 2009, you can claim a one-off, tax-free payment from H M Revenue & Customs (HMRC) if you're a mum-to-be who's at least 25 weeks pregnant. The payment is called 'Health in Pregnancy Grant' and is to help you prepare for the birth of your baby.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

By deciding to breastfeed you have already given your baby the best possible start in life, and scientific evidence states that the longer you breastfeed the greater the health benefits for both of you.

You can go on breastfeeding for as long as you both wish to. The main thing is that you and your baby do not have to stop before you are ready to. This means getting the essential support in the early days, from partner and family, health professionals, and if necessary, breastfeeding counsellors.

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<1/11>難得週六把拔不用工作,一家大小到城裡逛逛; 幫妹妹買了禦寒的帽子及手套 ( 6-12個月 ),這可是第三組了,這裡天氣太冷,不做好準備不行; 重新進行不夜奶訓練 ( 不餵半夜那一頓 )
<2/11>把拔一早起床人不太舒服,吃完早餐就在床上休息著,妹妹在樓下不是很安靜的玩著,馬麻我樓上樓下的忙,說實在,媽媽跟太太的角色,可真是很不容易啊,沒空生病呢;下午把拔好多了,帶我們出門,到夢幻鄉村 Chipping Campdan 去喝茶
<2/11>續 - 現在的天差不多四點半就開始黑了,所以等我們喝完茶 ( 五點鐘 ) 外面已經是全黑了,我們走在街上,妹妹很好奇的看著四週,第一次走在夜晚的街上
<4/11>妹妹太概肚子太餓了,六點左右就醒了,馬麻餵她後就再睡著,沒想到七點再醒來,只好再餵她一次;你也太餓了吧,妹妹.... 晚上打算用布尿布,為了怕漏尿,得先舖好防水墊

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<�補1/10>第二堂寶寶音樂活動課,妹妹六點多就醒了,餵了她一下,大概還沒睡飽,不太想喝,就等七點再餵她一次,八點半又吃了早餐 ( 她真的是小豬吧 ) 早餐大部分是水果加喜瑞爾,為的是讓她以後也習慣早餐我們都是吃喜瑞爾的喔 ( 不禁讓我一直想,在台灣的寶寶吃稀飯嗎,東西真的大不同啊 );晚上睡的不太好,一直哭醒來,到半夜喝奶後才真正睡好一些
<�補2/10>妹妹可以翻來翻去啦,馬麻給她一些鼓勵後,一副很驕傲的樣子呢  ^-^ 開始使用布尿布;白天的二段小睡還是只有半小時左右
<�補5/10>這小妮子居然敢大逆不道,她咬我,咬的我哀哀叫吔,用了Midwife教的方法,沒用呀... 下回去Baby cafe 時再來問其他人的狀況

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  • Sep 05 Fri 2008 23:28
  • 姐妹

睽違 14 個月不見的姐妹來找我了,是該高興還是悲傷咧,心情很複雜,不知道吔 
嗯,人家不是說,生完小孩後的馬麻不會有經痛的困擾,這是真的吔....老娘從來沒有過這樣的感覺,真的是很爽快的感覺,而且沒有那個腹痛,連腹悶都沒有溜,把拔快很開心,因為不用再聽他老婆哀哀叫,有經痛困擾的人真的要趕快去生小孩,就不會有那個長久以來無法解決之痛 哇哈哈哈哈  
( 這位馬麻,你爽的太過頭了,什麼叫人家要趕快去生小孩....一點責任心都沒有 )

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小R媽,我好像還是沒有寫mail給你啊.... 天啊,現在看到訊息才想起來,腦袋功能完全失能中...

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

If you want to take your baby to a swimming pool or health club then a swim nappy is a must. Even
at the beach, a swim nappy prevents your baby from leaving an unpleasant reminder in the sand or seawater. Having the right swim nappy for your baby can make swimming with your baby much more relaxing for you. We asked our testers, Sue and Rebecca, to put six swim nappies to the test and report back on fit, effectiveness and value for money. 

Swim nappy know-how 

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