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Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board

Growing physical independence

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board

Becoming more mobile

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

The same principle applies to your baby's feet as to her teeth - look after them properly from the start and you'll help prevent problems later on in life. "It's been estimated that a person will walk 115,000 miles in their lifetime - that's 8-10,000 steps a day - and 90 per cent of children have problems with their feet. But you only have one pair of feet so you need to look after them from day one," says Dr Charlotte Hawkins, a specialist in paediatric foot development and disorders based in London. 

How your baby's feet develop

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board


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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board

Almost walking 

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

What to expect from your baby at this stage. 

seven months Sits without support

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Sitting, crawling, and standing

Now that he's eight months old, your baby is probably sitting well without support and may be crawling or moving about by bottom shuffling (scooting around on his posterior using a hand behind him and a foot in front of him to propel himself). He's probably starting to pull himself up to a standing position while holding onto furniture. In fact, if you stand your baby next to the sofa, he'll probably be able to hold himself up, hanging on for dear life and using the furniture for support.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board

Separation and independence

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Bouncing up and down

Your baby can now support some of her weight on her legs, and she loves to bounce. What's more, she's probably able to sit unsupported (which will free her hands for exploring), and she'll turn when sitting to reach a desired object. She may even be able to get into a sitting position from lying on her stomach by pushing up on her arms. 

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Exploring with his hands

By the time he's about six months old (though sometimes it takes a little longer), your baby's hand control is developed enough that he can pull an object towards him. Once he's learned to grab a toy, he'll start to practise moving objects from one hand to the other. Plus, he may discover that letting go of something is as much fun as picking it up. Once he understands the concept of cause and effect, your baby's world will become more interesting ... and yours a good deal messier. 

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不過這是要寫她第一次正式翻身啦,我跟把拔等了半個多小時,又是裝瘋賣傻,又是不停的愛的鼓勵,她才甘願表演     這樣代表她又長大一些啦 
今天第一次吃水果糊   1/5香蕉加奶奶加米精 - 太好吃了,全吃光....     

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體重: 超過 6 公斤
身高: 大約 62 公分左右
活動力: 二百萬戰鬥力

目前她的情感表現越來越明顯, 我是指如果看到電視上的寶寶哭泣, 她也會有反應; 如果事情安排有不如意的,她會生氣,抗議,尖叫,哭泣; 也開始有 " 騙人 " 的狀況, 會假裝哭泣,就是沒眼淚的那種, 然後等把拔或馬麻來抱起她;  開始有長牙的現象, 口水不停流, 一天下來要換上 3 件左右的圍巾, 2 件衣服左右, 還有她咬她的玩具, 固齒器好像在咬仇人一樣, 既兇又狠的    

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Sitting up on her own 

By now, your baby's physical developments are coming fast and furiously. If you place her on her stomach, she'll extend her arms and legs and arch her back, and when on her back, she'll lift her head and shoulders. She may even sit momentarily without assistance -- be nearby, however, to provide support and surround her with pillows to cushion a possible fall. Encourage her to play face-down on the floor: lifting her head and chest to see toys or your face helps strengthen her neck muscles and develops the head control necessary for sitting up. If you support her under the arms while letting her balance her feet on your thighs, she'll bounce up and down. She's capable of easily bringing an object to her mouth for oral exploration. 

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體重: 5.42公斤, 身高大約在 62 公分左右 ( 因為醫院沒量身高,我們自己量的 )
傍晚七點小睡可以睡到至少十點過後,然後再被懶惰的爸媽 " 吵 " 起床,洗澡加最後一次餵奶,接著是一小段親子時間,然後就睡覺姿勢,一覺睡到早上七點至八點間    生活作息非常的有規律
她也開始有抓握的動作,會抓住自己的小腳,也會抓著她的兔子手偶睡覺; 如果讓她看鏡子,她會對著鏡子裡的寶寶說話,微笑等等;本想到寶寶俱俱樂部可以讓她交朋友的,不過大小姐的午睡在下午二點,所以錯過大部份可以跟其他寶寶玩樂的時間,

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Feeding less frequently 

As your baby reaches four months, his stomach has grown bigger so he doesn't need to feed so often -- just four or five times a day. But he'll still gain weight -- his need to feed just tapers off as he gets older, becoming more like that of older children and adults. Now his attention will start to gravitate toward other people and things during mealtimes, and though it's exciting to see him aware of and responsive to new things, feedings can get difficult. If your baby is easily distracted, try feeding him somewhere quiet for a while. 

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 


Cutting teeth isn't one of those milestones a baby reaches all at once. The move from that gummy grin to a mouthful of gleaming teeth is a rite of passage that can take your child his first three years to complete.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

A special day: 17 March

On this day:
1845: The rubber band was patented by Englishman Stephen Perry
1834: Gottlieb Daimler, inventor and engineer, was born

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Rolling over 

After gaining head control and right before (or about the same time as) coming to grips with sitting on their own, most babies learn to roll over. This skill is pretty self-explanatory - babies who have mastered rolling over can flip from lying on their back to being on their tummy and vice versa. This is one of your baby's first steps in being able to move himself from place to place and is often motivated by a desire to grab an elusive toy or just get a little closer to you. 

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 


Learning how to hold things lets babies jump into the world of play. Being able to grasp things is also the first step on the road to eating, reading, writing, drawing, and self-care

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Head control 

Babies are born with very little ability to control their head and neck muscles. They develop this crucial skill, which is the foundation for all later movement such as sitting up and walking, in increments during the first six months of life. 

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