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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Stretchmarks -- or striae -- are caused when your skin needs to stretch rapidly over your enlarging body during pregnancy and ends up getting over-stretched. Stretchmarks can also occur during adolescence or periods of rapid weight gain. The resulting scars are permanent and are most common on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs and breasts.

Massaging creams, oils, or lotions into the skin will help it feel more supple. With time the lines fade to fine streaks closer to your own skin colour. What may look unacceptable to you at first will seem a whole lot better six months later! The appearance of stretch marks may also be exaggerated by under-use of your muscles and your recent unaccustomed weight gain. Starting an
exercise programme and aiming for a sensible diet will help you feel better about the affected areas of your body.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Getting back into "regular" clothes is exciting yet challenging for most new mothers. But don't expect to be able to get into your favourite pair of jeans for at least several weeks. Keep in mind it took some 40 weeks to gain your pregnancy weight, so it will take time to lose it, too.

As for guidelines, start out slowly, since you need to conserve your energy to
recover from labour and the birth. Many doctors and midwives advise waiting until after your postnatal checkup (usually six weeks after delivery) to start a proper exercise routine. But most new mums can begin walking and doing pelvic floor exercises and lower tummy muscle exercises almost straightaway.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Approved by the BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board

Working out doesn't mean you have to part with your baby. Try these suggestions for enjoying exercise together:

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

After a caesarean you should allow a minimum of six weeks for your incision to heal before you begin a strenuous exercise programme. However, gentle exercise such as walking, pelvic floor or abdominal exercises is actually beneficial and will help your recovery. If you go to a class, remember to tell the instructor that you had a caesarean section.

You can therefore begin to gently exercise your lower tummy muscles as soon as you feel ready. Begin with
pelvic floor exercises -- performed as you breathe out rather than as you breathe in -- and then move on to pulling your belly button in and up at the same time (the lower tummy muscle exercise). When you can perform this easily and can hold the contraction for 10 seconds (without holding your breath), you can then begin gentle sit-ups. Always bend your knees and tighten your pelvic floor and tummy as you gently lift your head and shoulders slightly off the floor. If your stomach muscles "dome" as you sit up, or if you find this difficult or painful, it is too early for you to start doing sit-ups.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Getting back into "regular" clothes is exciting yet challenging for most new mothers. But don't expect to be able to get into your favourite pair of jeans for at least several weeks. Keep in mind it took some 40 weeks to gain your pregnancy weight, so it will take time to lose it, too.

As for guidelines, start out slowly, since you need to conserve your energy to
recover from labour and the birth. Many doctors and midwives advise waiting until after your postnatal checkup (usually six weeks after delivery) to start a proper exercise routine. But most new mums can begin walking and doing pelvic floor exercises and lower tummy muscle exercises almost straightaway.

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 

Wait six weeks after your baby is born before you start to think about losing weight

To give your body some time to recover from labour and birth, wait six weeks or so before you think about slimming. Do bear in mind that your body may change shape after pregnancy, and you may find it difficult to return to your exact pre-pregnancy weight. 

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資料來源 Baby Centre, 文章內字體顏色不同者,按下會直接連結至說明網頁 
What you and your baby need during breastfeeding

Some of the calories required for breastmilk production are supplied by body fat reserves laid down during pregnancy. However, additional calories are needed over and above your pre-pregnancy intake to provide enough energy to supply the needs of your growing baby. As you start to wean your baby, your calorie needs will gradually return to pre-pregnancy levels.

Department of Health guidelines suggest the following amounts of extra calories during the first three months of breastfeeding:

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